PCPP Grants

When applying for a grant, it’s very important that you makes sure your grant is based on community needs. All grants have their pros and cons, and no one grant is better or easier than the other. Create a project, then find the grant that fits your project elements – not the other way around. Keep your grant/project it’s authentic self and find the grant funding to match. 

What is a PCPP grant?PP-15-303-013_Evalynn Romano Girls Smiling Hand Washing

The PCPP grant is a “crowd funded” grant. This means there will be third party donors – and often more than one. Also, these grants can be funded anytime and are not on a quarterly basis like SPA grants are.

Examples of past PCPP projects in Cambodia: 

  • multi-PCV projects
  • art clubs
  • peer education
  • libraries
  • water/sanitation projects

Type of funding level: up to $10,000

Application process:

  • Application sent to Grants Committee (PCVs & staff) for review
  • Approval from Country Director
  • Project posted to PC website, friends & family
  • Money in bank within 3 weeks of being fully funded


Currently, there are 3 ways that your PCPP grant can be funded:

1. Private Donors: where private parties donate money to your project. It could be your family and friends back home, RPCVs looking to fund projects, or do-gooders looking for a place to spend some extra money. Sometimes, there will be random organizations or funds that are looking to donate to Peace Corps projects, and will search for a project that has goals they support or the framework of your project and their organization align.

2.  World Connect: a third party grant donor. They align with Peace Corps and established intermediary partners that do needs assessments in communities and have projects that focus on benefiting women and children. They fund two types of grants:

  1. International Grants Program: This will fund a whole project within a reasonable grant request amount.
  2. Accelerator Grants Competition: This will be for projects under $500. PC Cambodia requires that you go through the PCPP portal for this grant accelerator, and funds will be directly transferred to a counterpart – the money does not go to the PCV, and the counterpart will be solely responsible for the disbursement and management of the funds.

Click here to find out more about World Connect’s grant guidelines

3. Water Charity: a third party grant donor. This is a non-profit organization that focuses on bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations; they also sponsor projects that have sanitation and hygiene aspects. Apply through the PCPP portal and discuss with Rebecca how to get your project funded by Water Charity.


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